In line with the assertion made by the Meeting of the Republic, the committee met with the agenda of listening to the friends. The committee will proceed its work in future conferences.
Japanese Mediterranean College Rector Prof. was invited to the committee assembly. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, Rector of European College of Lefke Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen and Bahçeşehir Cyprus College Board of Trustees Chairman Eral Osmanlar attended and introduced their opinions on the topic to the committee.
Committee Deputy Chairman, CTP Deputy Sıla Usar İncirli, Committee Member UBP Deputy İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra, Hasan Küçük and Yasemi Öztürk, Committee Member CTP Deputy Armağan Candan and Şifa Çolakoğlu attended the Committee assembly chaired by UBP Deputy Ziya Öztürkler.
CTP MPs Filiz Besim, Devrim Barçın, Sami Özuslu and Unbiased MP Jale Refik Rogers additionally attended the committee assembly.