NEW DELHI: A girl misplaced her life because of the shelling of the village of Kulbaki in Kursk by Ukraine on Sunday, the governor of the Russian area bordering Ukraine mentioned. Moreover, her husband sustained extreme accidents within the incident.”A residential constructing caught fireplace and an area feminine resident died,” Governor Roman Starovoit mentioned on the Telegram messaging app.”Her husband suffered in depth burns.”One other residence within the village suffered harm, leading to sure areas being disadvantaged of electrical energy provide.There was no immediate response from Ukraine regaring the incident, in the meantime Explosions and assaults focusing on Russian areas adjoining to Ukraine have change into commonplace since Russia initiated its battle with Ukraine two years in the past. Russian authorities have constantly attributed these incidents to both Ukrainian navy forces or pro-Ukrainian saboteurs.In the meantime Russia mentioned that it destroyed 47 ukranian drones on Saturday over its southern areas in a single day, largely within the Rostov space bordering Ukraine. Kyiv has often launched drones into Russia throughout Moscow’s navy offensive in Ukraine, now in its third 12 months. “Air defence programs on obligation intercepted and destroyed over the territories of Belgorod area (one drone), Kursk area (two drones), Volgograd area (three drones) and Rostov area (41 drones),” the Russian military mentioned on social media. (With inputs from companies)