In a posh and controversial authorized battle, Telegram founder Pavel Durov finds himself on the middle of allegations that he dedicated acts of violence towards one in every of his kids, in addition to going through prison costs associated to the misuse of his messaging platform, in response to the report by CNN. French prosecutors confirmed that they’re looking for additional info from Swiss authorities relating to the accusations introduced ahead by Irina Bolgar, Durov’s former associate and the mom of his three kids.The allegations, filed in a Geneva courtroom in March 2023, accuse Durov of harming his youngest son on 5 events between 2021 and 2022, together with an occasion the place he allegedly threatened the kid’s life, reported CNN.Bolgar, who now resides in Switzerland with their kids, reportedly claimed that Durov has not seen his kids since September 2022 and had lower off monetary assist by blocking the financial institution playing cards he had beforehand offered, as per reviews.Bolgar took to Instagram to share her aspect of the story, revealing that regardless of not being married, their kids bear Durov’s final title and had been formally acknowledged by him.She defined that their relationship, which started in 2013, had as soon as been family-like, with Durov often visiting her and the youngsters even after they moved to Switzerland in 2020. Nonetheless, she acknowledged that the choice to go public with the allegations got here after her kids questioned why they weren’t talked about on-line like Durov’s different kids. “I made a decision to shed some gentle on this info,” Bolgar wrote.The scenario took a dramatic flip when Durov was arrested at Paris’s Bourget Airport on Saturday. The arrest, initially associated to allegations of Telegram’s lack of moderation in combating the usage of the platform by terrorists and far-right extremists, has sparked a debate over freedom of speech. Durov was positioned beneath formal investigation and launched beneath judicial supervision with a bail set at 5 million euros. He should stay in France because the investigation continues.French President Emmanuel Macron, addressing the scenario, emphasised that Durov’s arrest was an “impartial motion” taken by the French justice system, unrelated to any deliberate conferences with the entrepreneur. Macron additionally defended the choice to grant Durov French citizenship in 2021, highlighting Durov’s efforts to study the French language as a part of a authorities initiative to naturalize people who contribute globally.Durov, sometimes called the “Mark Zuckerberg of Russia,” left his homeland in 2014 and now resides in Dubai, the place Telegram is headquartered. His app, whereas praised for enabling personal communication in oppressive regimes, has additionally confronted criticism for turning into a platform the place illicit actions, together with the planning of the 2015 Paris terror assaults, are coordinated.