Christmas 2025 falls on a Thursday, which signifies that along with the December 26 vacation, they create a four-day vacation.
The primary three days of the 12 months are Epiphany which falls on a Monday, then comes Clear Monday, the Holy Spirit and the Fifteenth of August which within the new 12 months will fall on a Friday.
Christmas 2025 falls on a Thursday, which signifies that along with the December 26 vacation, they create a four-day vacation.
Three days and 4 days of 2025:
January 4-6: The Competition of Lights
March 1-3: Clear Monday vacation
April 19-21: Easter
June 7-8-9: Holy Spirit
August 15-17: Fifteenth of August
December 25-28: Christmas
All new 12 months holidays:
New 12 months's Day: Wednesday, January 1
Epiphany: Monday, January 6
Clear Monday: Monday, March third
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary: Tuesday, March 25
Good Friday: Friday, April 18
Easter Sunday: Sunday, April 20
Easter Monday: Monday, April 21
Labor Day: Thursday, Might 1
Holy Spirit: Monday, June 9 (not a public vacation for all workers)
Dormition of the Virgin Mary: Friday, August 15
Anniversary of “No”: Tuesday 28 October
Christmas: Thursday, December 25
Second day of Christmas: Friday, December 26